About the Journal

About the Journal

Progress in Electronics and Communication Engineering (PECE) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research and advancements in electronics and communication engineering. The journal encompasses a wide array of topics, including semiconductor devices, telecommunication systems, wireless communication, and signal processing. By providing a platform for researchers, academics, and professionals, PECE fosters innovation and scholarly exchange in these dynamic fields.

About Publisher

The journal is published by the Society for Communication and Computer Technologies (SCCTS), an organization devoted to promoting research and development in communication and computer technologies. SCCTS supports scholarly activities and publications to advance the dissemination of technological and research findings. Membership in SCCTS offers numerous benefits, including access to journals, conferences, and networking opportunities with professionals in the field.

For more information, visit the SCCTS.

Frequency of publication - Bi Annual - It has Two issue per year 
Language - English
Year of Starting - 2024
format of publication  - Online Only